Oct 25, 2008

Bad pet owners

By that title I don't mean bad people who own pets. I mean people who own bad pets. And by people owning bad pets, I mean Reece and Jessica. I've already posted about their first cat. Now they have a second cat, named Adele / Pork 'N' Beans (still undecided on the name, I don't want to talk about it). She's an abandoned kitten we found during our last trip down to St. George. Here she is pretending to like me (but really just trying to find my jugular):

She seems like a kind, caring, loving cat, but if you're real quick then you can catch things like this:

Which is what happens right before this:

Which then leads to this:

All right, they're all real except for the last one (the fake dead guy). But under Jack's careful training, Adele / Pork 'N' Beans will soon be turned into the killer psycho hose beast that will be the end of me.

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